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Snohomish County Sports Hall of Fame Induction Banquet

Over the past year the Snohomish County Sports Commission has been reviewing and considering athletes to induct into its Hall of Fame. For seven years, Snohomish County has held a Sports Hall of Fame Induction Banquet and this year they introduced a class of athlete and citizen that we all can applaud.  This year the committee inducted a fine group to include Randy Couture and Kayla Burt.

The event commenced with a social hour at 5pm.  Upon entrance into the Edward D. Hansen Conference Center section of Xfinity Arena, attendees search and select through an array of name labels with their name and table number on it.  Slap it on, navigate up the stairs to a corridor filled with art, socialites, and event enthusiasts engaged in pleasantries, drinking, and butt slaps.  I didn’t see any butt slaps, but I’m pretty sure someone got a “good game” in.  Besides catching up with friends, people also use this time to stroll about the memorabilia display cases of past and present inductees.

Around 6:15 the 300+ attendees steered into the conference room for more socializing and a light appetizer.  The room had approximately 32 circular tables, which accommodated 10 people each.  Space at the table was slightly tight, so it’s a good suggestion to suck in that gut and squeeze in those elbows during the meal.

At 6:30 appetizer, chitchat, and National Anthem.  Things started off with a mix of summer greens and a dab of ranch or Italian dressing upon request.  There were no croutons included with the salad, but there was a tough crusted artisan roll sided with a teaser-sized butter ball.

20-30 minutes later, after mingling with the other attendees and feeling self-conscious of if I was “proper” during eating, the entrée was served.  A delectable salmon loin, approximately 3-4oz, covered in a savory cream sauce that blended well with the buttery fluffed rice pilaf and well textured, yellow and green steamed zucchini.  The meal was topped off with a thick, hearty cheesecake, lightly crusted and settled on a tarty cherry sauce.

After dinner the inductees were introduced and awarded.  People applauded and cheered, the hero’s welcome, really nothing new to events like these.  Anyone interested can view some previous event videos on YouTube.

Some might assume this event to be an exclusive event; it is not.  There was no red carpet, it wasn’t a suit and tie event, the banquet is not limited to individuals on the local sports scene, in fact, the committee welcomes any athlete and non-athlete alike.  My community support mindedness and curiosity brought me.  Whoever you are, whatever you do, you are welcome.  Next year, come to the 8th annual induction banquet, you never know who you might see.